Both Christian & Non-Christian Teens Generally Have Positive Opinions About The Bible

Tuesday, October 18 2022 by Richard D. Hunt

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graphic Teens Bible
Barna Group

Knowing how to best discuss biblical topics with today’s teens can be difficult. But, perhaps surprisingly, one potential bridge might be the Bible itself.  

Both Christian and non-Christian teens generally have affirming opinions of the Bible. 

Given a list of negative versus positive descriptions, this open generation tends to lean positive, strongly agreeing the Bible is: 

  • good (40% vs. bad, 6%)
  • meaningful (39% vs. not meaningful, 8%)
  • important (39% vs. unimportant, 9%)
  • loving (38% vs. judgmental, 8%)
  • true (36% vs. false, 9%)
  • trustworthy (35% vs. untrustworthy, 9%) -  Barna Group
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