LOCAL Closer Look: Columbia Gorge CASA (Hood River, OR)

Posted on Sunday, September 24, 2023 by Jeanice Lee

Jeanice Lee talks to Christopher Janetzko the Executive Director of Columbia Gorge CASA. CASAs are community volunteers that advocate in the best interest of children involved in the court foster system due to abuse or neglect. Janetzko says they are currently serving 70% of the kids in the system. There are 90+ children in the foster care system and 20+ of them are waiting for a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). Janetzko describes the role of a CASA and the training they go through. Volunteer advocates are needed. Call 541.386.3468 or visit (GorgeCASA.org) to learn more.

Original airdate: 9/17/2023 

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Jeanice joined EMF in 2009 and she covers Southern California, N Oregon, Washington State, and Hawai'i, including major markets Seattle, Portland, and Los Angeles.

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