LOCAL Closer Look: CASA of San Joaquin County CA

Posted on Sunday, February 4, 2024 by Kindra Ponzio

Kindra Ponzio talks with Jami Alexander, Dir of Family Services, CASA of San Joaquin County. Alexander says there are 1500 youth in foster care in the county. She talks about Court Appointed Special Advocates, CASA as a program of court appointed volunteers, to represent the kids in foster care. The advocates interview all of the people in the child's life, the foster parents, teachers, counselors, attorneys and such. She says they then report to the judge as to what is in the best interest of the child. Alexander shares stories of hope and success as the advocates spend a lot of time with the kids, getting to them, their wishes and dreams

Original airdate: 2/4/2024 

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Kindra joined EMF in 2001 and she covers Northern and Central California, and Northern Nevada including major markets Sacramento and Bay Area/San Francisco.

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