Texas Church Opens Campuses Behind Prison Walls (+ podcast)

Thursday, January 21 2021 by Monika Kelly

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Man's tattooed hand reaching skyward
Gateway Church
A Gateway Prison Church worshipper inside prison walls

One Texas church is sharing the Gospel and building community behind prison walls. 

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Pastor Stephen Wilson, Gateway Prison Campuses Pastor, was actually an ex-offender himself. 

Man in purple shirt with microphone, speaking at pulpit
[Photo Credit: Gateway Church] Pastor Stephen Wilson, Prison Campuses Pastor, Gateway Church

"It's been an amazing walk and as I look back and see where God has brought me and how He's used my mess to be a message to others. The first night I went into county jail, I was sitting there scared to death...I'd never been to jail before, and I was sitting there watching the guys in my pod...and I was just observing what was going on inside and late that evening, a group of guys--5 or 6 of them--went over in the corner and huddled up. I just sat there and watched them...I was scared to death...I didn't know what was going to happen...all of a sudden they reached down, and grabbed hands with each other and all of a sudden they started praying."

men in white in a chapel, holding up their hands
[Photo Credit: Gateway Church] Gateway Church inside of a Texas prison

Pastor Stephen knew right then that God was tugging at his own heart.

"The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said 'Stephen, that's the men I want you to reach. That's my children and I want you to go after 'em.''

Pastor Stephen actually started his ministry trying to reach guys while he was still incarcerated. 

Since then, Pastor Stephen and his wife have started their own prison outreach ministry and eventually partnered with Gateway Church in Texas. 

The Gateway Church Coffield Prison Campus, with more than 4,000 inmates, launched their first services at the end of 2018 with more than 300 men in attendance. They've seen hundreds of men accept Christ. Since then, they've launched three other prison campus churches.

Man bowing head with hand raised wearing white prison garb
[Photo Credit: Gateway Church] Gateway Church inside of a Texas prison

Prior to COVID-19, inmates would experience regular worship and participate in serving their own congregation. The men had the opportunity to attend Gateway Equip classes centering on discipleship, marriage, and parenting--helping them prepare for post-release life. 

COVID-19 has forced Prison Ministries to pivot--causing their Texas prisons to temporarily stop all volunteer-run activities. Pastor Stephen Wilson jumped into action immediately and with the help of volunteers, the prison ministry can now send full worship sets, sermons and classes to all 120 prisons across Texas. 

On the outside, Gateway Church members are the first to welcome these men to church once they're released from prison. They're considered family.

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