K-LOVE’s Positive People – by Rafael Sierra, Jr. (complete podcast available) (more Positive People stories)
Pastor Brian Sederwall, affectionately known as Pastor B, is bringing hope to people in need. Pastor B founded the Denver Dream Center in Denver, CO providing food and essential items to those who are coming off the streets.
“I want to be the hands; I want to be the feet of Jesus. I want to see people find their value and be restored to a relationship with Jesus”
“I love creating opportunities for people to get food or have a meal; providing shoes for kids,” says Pastor B. “Going into some of the poorest neighborhoods” and “making sure that kids have a mattress to sleep on or a pillow,” are just some of his priorities.

“Anybody in need we try to make a difference,” he says. “What weighs heavy on me is, how do we bring people to a place where they understand hope is real. Someone loves them, someone cares for them, and they matter.”

Pastor B admits, it’s not easy reaching out to others carrying heavy burdens. But no matter how hard it is or what the struggles may be, he remains humble and is incredibly thankful for the opportunity to help those who need it most.

And how long does he plan to continue to help? “I have no end in sight,” he says. “The needs continue to grow, and the opportunities continue to expand, and as long as God keeps me in this place, we’re going to keep running hard.”

“I love waking up in the morning. It’s like Christmas every morning - God, what are you going to do? - And I get to be a part of it.”
Click the full interview below