Video: Erase Worry - Pastor Craig Groeschel On The Goodness Of God

Saturday, April 4 2020 by Richard Hunt

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Pastor Craig Groeschel

Give us today our daily bread

Pastor Craig bounces today’s COVID-19 crisis off God’s message to Moses in Exodus, chapter 16, where God provided daily manna in the desert, and how Jesus spoke of daily provisions in The Lord’s Prayer. 

Groeschel says, in other words, “You’re not going to give us today’s bread tomorrow … God knows what you need and he is able to meet your needs today.” But the pastor emphasizes, “When we talk about trusting God for today, I want to be clear, this doesn’t mean that we’re irresponsible about the future. There’s a real difference about planning responsibly and just projecting out into the future with irrational fears about questions we have no ability to answer. ‘What’s it going to be like in May? What’s it going to be like in June?’” 

Groeschel asks, “What is worry? Someone said, ‘worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and the power of God.’ What is worry? It’s placing my faith in the worst-case scenario rather than placing my faith in the goodness of God … There’s an old quote someone said, ‘I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow.’ I would say it this way, ‘My unknown future is in the hands of an all-knowing God.’”


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