Revival Update: God Is Still Moving - A Look At Another Ministry Seeing People Come To Christ

Monday, March 18 2024 by Monika Kelly

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View of a large crowd under a tent
Mario Murillo Ministries
Tent Revival with Mario Murillo Ministries

God is constantly on the move, sometimes quietly, sometimes dramatically - and in 2023 that was particularly evident during an extended presence of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Worship services were held around the clock for several weeks with guests arriving from around the world. 

The good news in 2024? 

Revival, spiritual renewal, is still alive and well in a number of churches and church parking lots across the country.

Here's yet another example to share with you: 


Mario shares, "The Bible says 'eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the minds of man those things that God keeps ready for those that love Him.'" 

Mario describes an intimate moment - not too long ago - when God told him not to step away from his calling: "I reached a point where everybody around me at my age group was starting to retire. [Instead of retirement,] one day, and this was just before the COVID epidemic, I was told by the Lord to re-study the youth culture. You see, young people had never stopped coming to our meetings. I've been in ministry for 50 years and during that time, our meetings have always had a strong representation of youth in them. 

And when I began to study it, I felt such evil...and I realized that our kids are being attacked in ways that are unbelievable and God said, 'I'm sending you out again.'" 

Since then, Mario Murillo Ministries has seen thousands of people come to their tent revivals and ultimately, to Christ.

(Rather hear our story?)

Born in San Francisco, Mario Murillo never expected to meet Jesus. 

But Mario's classmate invited him to church and several young men were there, sharing their testimony of being delivered from heroin addiction. 

They were from Teen Challenge, the ministry founded in 1961 by David Wilkerson, an Assemblies of God pastor who left a small Pennsylvania church to do street ministry with teen gang members and socially marginalized people in New York City - and who eventually wrote The Cross and the Switchblade and founded Times Square Church.

Mario's life was forever changed after hearing their testimonies. He never imagined that someone could actually be free from heroin addiction.

Man in blue shirt with black background, goatee
[Photo Credit: Mario Murillo Ministries] Pastor, Evangelist, Author, Speaker Mario Murillo

Not too long after receiving the free gift of salvation, Mario started a ministry as a student on the campus of University of California at Berkeley, leading thousands of people to Christ. 

Healings and miracles began to be reported among the students.

Since then, Mario’s ministry has impacted thousands of people around the world, bringing hurting people to the foot of the Cross.

His simple declaration: "Come and see." 

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