American Heritage Girls: ‘Woven' Is New 2023-2024 Program Theme

Monday, June 19 2023 by Richard D. Hunt

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American Heritage Girls (AHG)
American Heritage Girls (AHG)
“God strung each part of a girl’s life together, knitting her personality, character, skills, and gifting to form whom He has created her to be."

American Heritage Girls (AHG), the premier faith-based, scout-type leadership development program for girls ages five to 18, is looking forward to a year of faith, service, and fun as they kick off the 2023-2024 Program Year Theme — WOVEN! 

AHG Program Year Themes are meant to provide ways for Troops to connect with the AHG community across the nation. The 2023-2024 Program Theme was inspired by Psalm 139:13-15: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.”

“Each girl is a colorful masterpiece WOVEN together by a skillful Maker,” said AHG Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay. “God strung each part of a girl’s life together, knitting her personality, character, skills, and gifting to form whom He has created her to be. Girls need to learn how intricately God shaped their identities in order to better understand His purpose and plan for their lives. With His hand at work in her life, she can change the fabric of the world around her and produce love and joy that will have people asking who is responsible for the beautiful and strong masterpiece created in her!”

Along with the new theme, AHG provides Troops with guides, devotionals, and patch programs designed to encourage girls to better understand how God has WOVEN their lives for His glory.

For nearly 30 years, AHG has been dedicated providing authentic, positive, and values-driven outdoor activities and other character and leadership development opportunities for girls across the nation. This well-organized program also honors girls’ specific and measurable accomplishments, something in which the participants take enormous pride — and use as stepping-stones each year as they further enhance their skills, sense of service, and much more. 

"When a girl understands that God intentionally and carefully wrought her into being, she can be confident that she was created on purpose for a purpose. 

In an age when society destroys a girl’s self-image...she can find grounding and comfort in understanding how she was WOVEN by her Creator for her well-being and time and place in this world,” concluded Garibay. 

American Heritage Girls was founded in 1995 when Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay became concerned with the direction the Girl Scouts of America was headed. Garibay, along with a group of concerned parents, wanted a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters, and American Heritage Girls was born. Today, there are Troops in all 50 states and girls being served in 15 countries around the globe. Thousands of volunteer members across the country are helping girls grow in their faith, cultivate a heart for service, enjoy the great outdoors, and have more fun than they can imagine. 

At AHG, girls ages five to 18 meet together as a single Troop at the same time and then break out into Units by Levels. This gives AHG girls the important social experience of interacting with friends and godly mentors of various ages; members also learn leadership skills within a group setting. AHG Troops are located in local communities across the nation. To hear more about the purpose, mission, and vision of AHG from Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay, click here.

AHG’s “Raising Godly Girls” radio feature and Raising Godly Girls blog shares guidance and biblically based advice on many key topics affecting girls today — from bullying and identity to anxiety and body image issues. It gives parents, educators, and faith community leaders a set of tools, resources, and Scripture-based advice to assist in raising girls after God’s own heart. 

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