Samantha Ebert Looks for Signs of Spring on K-LOVE Debut ‘Flowers’

Posted on Monday, March 10, 2025 by Lindsay Williams

New Song Feature Flowers Samantha Ebert feat Seph Sclueter

Canadian singer-songwriter Samantha Ebert makes her K-LOVE radio debut with “Flowers.” The meandering piano ballad reveals the newcomer looking for signs of spring as she weathers a difficult season via a warm vocal and diaristic lyrics. Ebert recently asked fellow new artist Seph Schlueter to join her for a fresh version of the transparent track.

The self-penned selection was written during a season of suffering for Ebert, who was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2023. Bedridden with consistent pain, the songstress grieved the life she once knew, uncertain when or if she’d ever feel well enough to return to normal activities. Crafting songs helped her process her emotions, especially as she wrestled with God on the why behind her debilitating illness. Posting the originals she was writing in her bedroom on social media helped her maintain a connection with the outside world.

“Flowers” was one of the offerings that especially resonated with listeners, and soon, hundreds of thousands of TikTok and Instagram creators around the world were using the vulnerable confession to soundtrack their own reels.

“I wrote this one from a place of feeling like my hope was almost gone. When I saw the ‘get well soon’ flowers on my nightside table, God reminded me that beautiful things grow in the darkest of places. Flowers don’t grow on the mountaintops, and we don’t grow and depend on Him as much when life is easy,” Ebert offers of the message behind her new song. “Beautiful things grow in the valley. Trust, patience, contentment, rest, joy amidst hard circumstances, strength, reliance on the Lord; these are all things we learn a little extra in the hard seasons. I believe God is good and has a good plan, no matter how dark the valleys we’re walking may be.”

“Flowers” doesn’t find Ebert on the other side of her journey. She is still very much walking through her own valley battling ongoing chronic illness. Perhaps the silver lining has been and continues to be unexpectedly forging a bond with people through music.

New Song FeatureSamantha EbertSeph SchlueterNew Music

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