Rachael Lampa unearths the essence of who she really is on her latest single, “Somebody to You.” With the help of her longtime friend, Andrew Ripp, Lampa silences the voices of comparison on the mid-tempo pop selection they penned together with Ethan Hulse in an empty church sanctuary.
WATCH NOW: "Somebody To You" Official Lyric Video
The trio, who also co-wrote Lampa’s first No. 1 hit in 22 years — “Perfectly Loved (feat. TobyMac)” — began talking about all the ways we assess our worth. Through their thoughtful conversation, the three collaborators landed on the truth that our real value isn’t determined by what we produce, the world’s definition of success or how many “likes” or “follows” we accrue. Our worth is already established in Christ. The song that resulted from their keen observations affirms that we matter just as we are in this very moment, simply because we belong to the Creator of the universe.
“When I walked away from my record deal, my life of music, and touring when I was 21, I thought I totally ruined God’s plan for my life and had lost my purpose. In reality, He was just quieting the applause so I could hear Him tell me that my identity in this life begins and ends with the fact that I am a child of God, and that that’s all the purpose I will ever need,” Lampa shares of the message behind the fresh track. “I hope this song is a reminder that no one can tell us who we are, because He has already called us His.”
“This one is for the people like me, who need to be reminded of how valuable they are before any of our accomplishments,” adds Ripp, who helms harmonies and the entire second verse. “Honored to have been a part of this one with ya, Rachael Lampa! It’s already a victory. Thanks for trusting Ethan Hulse and I to be a part of your story.”
RELATED CONTENT: Rachael Lampa Returns to Radio for the First Time in Nearly Two Decades with TobyMac-Assisted “Perfectly Loved”
Lampa treated 2023 K-LOVE Fan Awards Weekend attendees to an acoustic performance of “Somebody to You” during this year’s Emerging Artist Showcase. She and Ripp will share the stage in select cities throughout the summer.