Patience can be one of the most challenging fruits of the spirit to cultivate. It’s hard to wait on God and others. When you find yourself in the waiting room of life, use these prayers to help you plug into God’s power to give you the strength you need.

A Prayer For Proverbs 25:15
Lord, my human nature desires to act rashly and speak harshly. I think this will bring the change I want in the world. Your word reminds me that patience and softness are what genuinely have an impact. Help me to remember that impatience leads to poor choices, but patience leads to wise ones.

A Prayer For Ecclesiastes 7:8
Lord, thank you for reminding me that when pride seeps into my life as a poison, your antidote is humble patience. Help me to avoid the get-rich-quick schemes of this world that stroke my ego. Teach me to focus on developing patience in my life to see tasks through to the end.

A Prayer For Romans 15:5
Dear God, your word reminds us that that impatience causes pain, but patience can bring harmony. Help me develop patience, not only for myself but also for me to live at peace with others as you have called me.

A Prayer For Galatians 5:22
Holy Spirit, you produce fruit in our lives as both a marker of our maturity in you and to nourish the world around us. Help me to remember to cultivate patience in my life, not simply so that I might have peace, but to feed the community around me.

A Prayer For Colossians 3:12
God, thank you for choosing me to represent you to the people in my life. You remind us that to properly be your ambassadors, we must wrap ourselves in your virtues. You are a God who shows patience which brings peace. Help us to dress like you by offering this peace, always bringing patience.

A Prayer For 1 Timothy 1:16
God, help me to always remember that you have shown great patience with me for my entire life. I know that there are going to be people in my life who genuinely try my patience. In these times, help me to remember the patience of your character, which breeds mercy. Help me to show this same patience that I have been given so that others might be transformed.

A Prayer For James 5:7
Lord, we know that this world passes through seasons of abundance and joy, but also seasons of grief and famine. In those times of famine and want, help us remember that our relationship with the earth is based on care and patience. Teach me how to do my part to care for the world around me.