Zach Williams

Zach Williams
All Artists


Jesus Loves

Jesus Loves


A Hundred Highways

A Hundred Highways


Heart Of God (Single)

Heart Of God (Single)



About Zach Williams

Zach Williams

Husband, father, singer, songwriter, worship leader, campus director at his home church in Arkansas and, most recently, added to Zach's list of titles is recording artist.

Never in his wildest dreams did Zach think he would be in this place of writing and recording music in the Christian music industry, especially from years of hard living on the road while in a rock & roll band. He thought his life was fulfilling and he was doing what he had always wanted to do, but that left him empty, lonely, and further away from God and his family than ever before. For years he sought meaning and fulfillment in the unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous, lifestyle he was living.

Zach eventually found refuge in God again after spending countless late nights on the road talking with a band mate about God, faith and what their lives could actually be like beyond the band.

“Even though I grew up going to church every Sunday as a kid, even though I knew right from wrong and said I was a Christian, there was absolutely nothing about the way I was living that reflected these things,” Zach shares. “It took a trip to Europe in 2012 to stop me dead in my tracks and show me just how lost I really was.” That year, with his wife by his side, his faith became real to him and he found renewal by dedicating his life to Christ. He hasn’t looked back since.