God Isn't Interested in Your Abilities but Your Availability

Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 by Scott & Kelli

kid and man

God Isn’t Interested In Your Abilities… But Your Availability!

Our talents are most certainly a gift from God, but the truth is, more important to God is our availability more than our abilities.  Throughout the Bible, we have seen God use men and women who weren’t the most talented, the most beautiful, the wealthiest or the strongest, but those who were willing to yield their will to his.

As we journey through these 30 Days of Encouragement together, I have been reminded over and over that as we make ourselves available to God, he uses us.  How often have you wanted to do something for God, but didn’t because you thought that you weren’t able, had the means or were good enough?  Lots of times, right? Well, me too! 

What do you say we use this month to change all of that! I have been inspired by your stories the past couple weeks and been reminded that if we just make ourselves available to God, he shows up and does great things with the little that we bring him.  He honestly delights in our availability and being able to do things through us that are exponentially bigger than anything we could ever do on our own.

So I hope that you’ll take these last few days of the 30 Days of Encouragement to start with a simple prayer, asking God to help you find ways that you can make yourself available to him, and that in the process he can use you to encourage someone.  Time and time again we have heard stories of how the simplest things have a profound impact on others. 

If you remember, Jesus did miracles with the little that he had, whether it was turning water into wine, feeding thousands with a few fish and couple loaves of bread or opening the eyes of the blind with a little spit and some mud, Jesus trusted God to show up and take care of the rest.  His encouragement is for us to do the same!


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